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Thursday, September 25, 2008

"You Don't Love Me Yet" 9/25/08

Jonathan Lethem's Promiscuous Materials Project is a very postmodern approach to literature. By allowing and encouraging his readers to adapt his novel, You Don't Love Me Yet  for film, Lethem reacts against the notion of safeguarding published material. In addition, the novel delivers instances of the collision between high and pop culture. One example of this is the relationship between Lucinda and Carl. Carl's complaints, while usually about sex and relationships, are very eloquent and ruminative. Lucinda takes these discussions with Carl to heart, but ultimately his words are lost to an L.A. band who can't hack in the big time. This culture clash can also be seen between the band and Falmouth's attempt to create unique pieces of performance art, such as the Aparty and the complaint line. 

1 comment:

Duluoz said...

Great work, Eddie. It's exciting to think that, for Lethem at least, postmodernism isn't just theoretical but something that allows him to challenge authority. He puts his money where his mouth is.