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Friday, October 3, 2008

"Brokeback Mountain" dir. Ang Lee

A further dynamic to Judith Butler's notion of gender troubling is evidenced in the relationship between Jack and Ennis after their first sexual encounter. Both men at first deny that the encounter has anything to do with being gay. Ennis says "It's a one-shot thing we got goin here," and Jack replies "Nobody's business but ours." " You know I ain't queer," continues Ennis. And Jack agrees: "Me neither." After their time together on Brokeback, both men go on to live relatively normal lives, with wives and kids. When Jack looks up Ennis years later, their yearning for each other is quickly rekindled, and eventually borders on obsession. Thus, Jack and Ennis begin a homosexual affair, each jumbling two lives at once. Their bisexuality, at least from an exterior point of view, allows them to alternate between a straight and gay lifestyle, compensating for one life when the other lacks fulfillment. Another example of gender troubling is Ennis's discovery of Jacks shirt. It's not often that a man covets another mans shirt after he dies, but such is the case with Ennis, and he does so with great care and reverence. 

1 comment:

Duluoz said...

Good entry. We need to talk about bisexuality in the film and story in class next week. Thanks for reminding me.

You understand Butler well and know how to use her work to help you analyze texts.