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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thoughts on "Pulp Fiction" dir. Quentin Tarantino, 9/11/08

The two most popular theories about Marsellus's briefcase are that it contains his soul, or it's contents, if any, is left to the interpretation of the viewer. I see it more as yet another reference to pop culture. How many movies, especially in crime dramas and caper flicks, do you see money, or loot exchanging hands in a briefcase? Countless. The idea behind the case's mysterious, glowing contents might just be Tarantino's way of signifying it's importance, not by what may or may not be inside, but because it's there. In other words, if there is no briefcase, then there is no story, or at the very least there is a huge chunk missing. 

1 comment:

Duluoz said...

Good work. Does this mean that there isn't a center to the story? That there's no point?

In the future, please be more diligent about using the theories to read the movies and books. I need to know that you have the ability to work with the course content.