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Saturday, January 31, 2009


When did I become so dependent, no, not quite dependent, but enamored with gadgets and all things Internet? I recently bought an iPhone and I love it! But I have spent the last few nights into the wee hours of the morning playing around with it when I should have been sleeping, or at least reading myself to sleep! I'm sure it's just the novelty of it all and it will no doubt wear off. My life has suddenly, almost abruptly shifted into this microcosm of connectedness. I can pretty much do everything from my phone. There is no longer an excuse for boredom. I've been on Facebook for little over a year now and I have really come to enjoy updating my status, dropping lines to friends here and there, and comment on their status's, or other friends comments about their status's. "Friends" is a relatively lose term for Facebook. Some of my friends are people I used to hang with in another life, most are family members, some I don't really know much about. With regard to Facebook and other social networking sites, such as Twitter (which I just joined), one argument is that true genuine conversation has gone out the window in exchange for quick snippets of peoples daily lives. It's a valid argument, but I like to look at it another way. I think these abbreviated exchanges are good ways to boost an interest in people who you physically interact with. This way, you can quickly add them to your friends and followers lists on Facebook and Twitter, and they are relegated to the land of small talk! Quantity over quality, right? So my point is (I think) is that these brief glimpses into other people's lives can matter too. I think it's great that you can just be out there now. Who cares if no ones listening (this goes for blogging too). And if they are, say hi!

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