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Thursday, November 6, 2008

"Neuromancer" by William Gibson

The setting for William Gibson’s novel Neuromancer reminds me a lot of the world depicted in the movie Total Recall. Much like the book, the movie is set in a not-so-certain future, with advanced technology that masks a post-nuclear landscape. In Total Recall, the citizens of Mars (whose landscape might reflect what a post-nuclear world would look like) live in a self-sustaining biodome, similar to the structure that covers the entire expanse of the Sprawl from Neuromancer. Additionally, Arnold's character in Total Recall is plugged into a virtual world, which also mirrors Neo's character in The Matrix.  

1 comment:

Duluoz said...

Philip K. Dick, who wrote the story on which Total Recall is based, is one of the finest science fiction writers of the last century. He's almost a "pre-cyberpunk" novelist. Other successful films like Minority Report and Blade Runner come from his work.