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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Moulin Rouge

Since Christian's love is so strong for Satine, he naturally become jealous of The Duke. The metafictional approach of Moulin Rouge also allows this jealousy to play out in the production of Spectacular Spectacular. Here, it is the Sitar player (who, interestingly, is portrayed by Christian anyway) who is "driven mad by jealousy" because of the relationship between the Courtesan and the Maharaja. The tango Roxanne scene just prior to the finale delves into this jealous binary. On the one hand you have The Unconscious Argentinean doing the tango with one of the prostitutes while he monologues about the implications of falling for a hooker. While this is happening, Christian's jealousy erupts into anguish, knowing that Satine is with The Duke to further satisfy his investment. Another example of this parallel, however simple, comes when The Duke gives Satine the diamond necklace and likewise, the Maharaja presents the Courtesan with one too at the end of the production. 

1 comment:

Duluoz said...

Great, Eddie! Paul